Using cd on Variables

I can't for the love of me figure out how to work with double quotes and single quotes in variables in bash scripts. For instance, I added the following line to my .bash_aliases file:

WINDOWS="'/host/Documents and Settings/Solar Zenith/My Documents'";

I want this so that I can go straight to 'My Documents' in my Windows installation (which is mounted at /host) by using cd in the terminal. This is my issue though:

solarzenith:~$ echo $WINDOWS
'/host/Documents and Settings/Solar Zenith/My Documents'
solarzenith:~$ cd $WINDOWS
bash: cd: '/host/Documents: No such file or directory

What do I have to change the code in .bash_aliases to to make this work? Also, if you know of any good sites that explain this sort of thing, that would be great.

WINDOWS="/host/Documents and Settings/Solar Zenith/My Documents"

Thanks, that works very well. I decided also to just alias a command for the cd :slight_smile: