Using awk to match strings and outputing their corresponding values


I will appreciate it if you can help me out. I have a file that contains this data

System Load: 3244 card: 1903 CPU: 6% card: 1904 CPU: 6% card: 1905 CPU: 28% card: 1906 CPU: 28% card: 1907 CPU: 36% card: 1908 CPU: 37%

I need to manipulate and output this as

system_load:3244 card1903:6 card1904:6 card1905:28 card1906:28 card1907:36 card1908:37

I have tried to use this awk script i have below

data=`cat data_file`

system_load=`echo $data | awk '{print $6}'`                           

card1903_p=`echo $data | awk '{print $10}'`
card1903=`echo $card1903_p | nawk -F "%" '{print $1}'`

card1904_p=`echo $data | awk '{print $14}'`
card1904=`echo $card1904_p | nawk -F "%" '{print $1}'`

echo "system_load:$system_load card1903:$card1903 card1904:$card1904 ..."

The problem i have is, this just uses the position of the value but i need the script to be able to match the string as in card: 1903 and pick the CPU value 6.

So in case the positions of the string changes the values will not be mismatched.

I will greatly appreciate your help in doing this


You could try combining everything in one awk . Would something like this work?

awk '{s="system_load:"$3; for(i=5; i<=NF; i+=4) s=s OFS "card" $i ":" $(i+2)+0; print s}' file
perl -lne 's/System Load/System_load/;
  @A = split(/ /, $_);
  $S = ($A[0] . $A[1]);
  for($i = 2; $i <= $#A; $i++)
    {if($A[$i] eq "card:") {$S .= (" card" . $A[++$i] . ":" . ($A[($i + 2)] + 0))}};
  print $S' file