Users on Solaris

Hi Guys

How do you see who logged in and what are they doing?

I used w to get the users...

 10:21am  up 60 day(s), 12:17,  2 users,  load average: 3.16, 3.88, 4.19
User     tty           login@  idle   JCPU   PCPU  what
oracle   pts/2        10:13am            2         bash
oracle   pts/1        10:12am            6         bash

Now I want to see who are these users and what bash commands are executed.

Please help!!!

Thanks in advance...

Start with:

# who

See man page for options


# ps

See man page for options


# ps -eaf
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By "what they're doing" you might get more information with the finger command, however that relies on the user (or application) to write a message in the file .plan in the user's home directory. Sadly, this rarely happens but you could include in in your application menus so that choosing and option writes the message, runs the routine then writes a message to say it's back at the menu.
