User profile, environment

Hello ,
i am on sles 11, and i can't figure out how can i locate my profile file,
the one that is use for setting the environment when i log in.

oracle@r200:~> cd
oracle@r200:~> pwd
oracle@r200:~> echo $SHELL
oracle@r200:~> cat .profile
cat: .profile: No such file or directory
oracle@r200:~> cat .bash_profile
cat: .bash_profile: No such file or directory
oracle@r200:~> cat bash_profile
cat: bash_profile: No such file or directory

There's also /etc/profile, /etc/bash.bashrc, and various SuSE-specific stuff in /etc/profile.d/ and /etc/SuSEconfig/profile

Thank you very much.
I found it in /etc/profile.d/
There is a file named which as i see contains all those env variables
i see i that use environment when i log on.
I also saw there is another very similiar file, named oracle.csh.
Can we say that file is used for korn shell and for bash shell ?

bash and ksh use (mostly) the same syntax. The .csh files are for the C Shell.

Ok , thank you.