user list

I have root access on Linux red hat server.
How do I see the current user list and group they belong?


current list? Do you mean those who are currently logged in? try

If you mean the list of users, look at /etc/group

I mean the user name list and user group name list that have been set up the admin.
I just have root access but not a admin.
I want to change one of the user's password and I also want to see who have been set up as a user on this machine.

Well, as long as you're not using NIS or anything like that, you could just do
cut -d':' -f1 /etc/passwd
to get the list of users, and then look at /etc/group to see group membership. As far as I recall on Redhat (I use SUSE myself), each user will also have a group associated with the account (with the same name as the username) - and this will be their primary group. /etc/group will list any "secondary" group memberships.
