user is not able to FTP to system.

I have created one group called RBAC.(roll back access control)

Now when I created user of RBAC its entry in /etc/passwd file is given below:

roleadm:x:120:109:RBAC User:/home/pds_RBAC:/bin/false

I have keep at the end /bin/false because I dont want to give direct login to the user on the system

But RBAC type of user is not able to FTP to system.

can you tell me why this happen. what is needed to enable FTP for user


The user needs to have a valid shell to use FTP, so /bin/false will prevent that.

Perhaps it would be better to give them a valid shell and create a root-owned .profile in their home directory which just exits.

By the way, it's "Role Based Access Control".

Actually, that's not very good advice because they will presumably own their home directory, which means they can remove that .profile if they have a clue.

Perhaps better to add some code to /etc/profile to exit if that user logs in... or maybe you can use PAM to do it...