User Datagram Protocol - scan LAN

I have three PCs in a LAN network.

  1. Solaris 10 10/09 x86 ip adres: netmask:
  2. Solaris 10 10/09 x86 ip adres: netmask:
  3. LINUX Suse 11 ip adres: netmask:

The heading for Suse Linux UDP packets to PC 2

The first PC program scans LAN via wireshark or snoop. UDP communication between PC 1 and 2 not see. I do not understand why?

If you run a program wireshark on PC 3, and PC 2, see UDP communication.

I'm working on a few Linux. I prefer Solaris. Linux may prohibit default visibility on the network?

I'm sorry Lubo3D, can you explain it more detail about your case? or give us your network topology

thanks :smiley:

Your topology explanation is very messy. Could you please clear it out for us little bit so we could have better insight into your problem? What exactly are you trying to do, how and what hardware you are trying to do it on. Are you just trying scan the communication between two PCs with another computer in your network?

I�m use different resolution.
I could here insert network topology. This problem is me work where I work.
