User CP Options

I have added a signature and uploaded an Avatar but I do see them in my posts. What could I be doing wrong?

What file extension should the avator file be? I have tried to upload as both .gif and as .avatar (have not seen this extension type before but it was listed on a site or two as a valid extension)

If it's a GIF, it should have a .gif extension - if it's a JPEG, it should have a .jpg extension.

Also, what is the size of the file? Mine is 44x60 pixels, and 3796 bytes in size. I believe there's a limit to the size you can upload. avatar is a gif (animated) and is 4274 bytes and 50x50 pixels. OK..I am well under the 64x64, 32000 limit (shown on the user cp: edition options screen)

something is up with the system i suspect.....

figured out that the "Upload of Custom Avatar" does not work..had to specify a URL....