use variable in alias

Hi Guys,

aliase uniq get ut=XXX anistr|availyStus|oratate|uniqueid

I want to create aliase but i want xxx as variable.....

run like this

uniq ak123 
uniq ak324
uniq ak123

End of the story i want to use variable in aliase command

alias u='uniq get $XXX anistr|availyStus|oratate|uniqueid'
export XXX=something

I am assuming odd command you gave actually does what you want when $XXX turns into something more meaningful. "get" is not standard a UNIX command, for example.


But it is possible to run single line command like ..

>u somthing

So i can get out put of below command

uniq get $XXX anistr|availyStus|oratate|uniqueid'


What is your shell? in BASH or KSH you can do:

u () {
        uniq get "$1" anistr|availyStus|oratate|uniqueid

u something

...except I have severe doubts that your command actually works in the first place. It looks bizarre.


i thing your command is good for ksh ,

But i want to use alise like below

alias ky 'echo $\!:1'

When i runt in unix :-

ky Hello



Now i want use that hello in my command

uniq get hello anistr|availyStus|oratate|uniqueid


So you want it to print uniq get hello anistr|availyStus|oratate|uniqueid ?

u () {
        printf "uniq get $1 anistr|availyStus|oratate|uniqueid"

u hello