use of sql loader in the script


Below is the code written when sql loader loads the data:

$ORACLE_EXEC_PATH/sqlldr userid=$user_passwd control=$CNTR_FILES/invoice.ctl log=$LOG_FILES/$INVOICE_FILE.log bad=$ER
ROR_FILES/$INVOICE_FILE.bad data=$DATA_FILES/$INVOICE_FILE silent=FEEDBACK direct=false errors=50000
    if [ $rc -eq 0 ] || [ $rc -eq 2 ]

Any one guide me what '$rc -eq 2' denotes here. I am aware of the meaning of 0 and 1 in the script but 2 is something new to me.

Oracle User

sqlldr err_code 2 means

  • All or some rows rejected
  • All or some rows discarded
  • Discontinued load