USB to Serial Adapter connection

Hi Community,

I'm working on Sun Server V490 with my PC (with OS Vista). I'm using a USB to Serial Adapter to connect to Server directly.

I've this problem, I'm connecting to Server with Putty client with this settings:
boud rate 9600, 8 bit, 0 parity, 0 flow control, but after to have typed some command putty goes down!!!

I think this is a problem of settings.

Could you help me please? It is urgent!!!!

use hyperterminal. You need find out which com port the usb adaptar use ( check device management)

the 9600 8n1 setting works fine for me with putty. have you downloaded the latest version of putty or redownloaded putty? maybe your putty has some problems...

Is your problem solved? What type of USB-to-DB9 cable do you use?

If you're sure that you're connecting correctly but find that the system "looks hung", you might want to issue a send-break signal to drop the system to OK> prompt. First of all, are you able to remote access your system (ssh, telnet). if your network service is not up, I think its no harm to halt your system and try..