Usage: optional and mandatory arguments

I have an awk script which can be used in the following ways:

xi and xf will only be mandatory when processing the file fin.zc.

awk -v xi=0/-0.5 -v xf=80/30 -f ./zc2cmd.awk fin.zc > fout.cmod
awk -f ./zc2cmd.awk -u
awk -f ./zc2cmd.awk --usg
awk -f ./zc2cmd.awk -e
awk -f ./zc2cmd.awk -examples
awk -f ./zc2cmd.awk -h
awk -f ./zc2cmd.awk -help

I have tried the below, but does not describe all the ways to use it, and might be confusing.

Basically I use

awk [mandatoryArgs] -f ./zc2cmd.awk fin > fout
awk -f ./zc2cmd.awk [optionalArgs]
  print "  awk [mandatoryArgs] -f ./zc2cmd.awk fin > fout"
  print "  awk -f ./zc2cmd.awk [optionalArgs]"
  print ""
  print "--Mandatory Arguments--------------------------------------------------"
  print ""
  print "  -v xi=xix/xiz     Top left corner of the model."
  print "  -v xf=xfx/xfz     Bottom right corner of the model."
  print "  fin               Input sound speed profile (.zc) file."
  print "  fout              Output sound speed (.cmd) file."
  print ""
  print "--Optional Arguments--------------------------------------------------"
  print ""
  print "  -h, --help, -u, --usage, -e, --examples"
  print "                    Prints a usage message."

... and your question is?