Urgent: please replace the perl script in the post with following code

This is very urgent as it is confidential info posted by mistake.Kindly help us asap.

post link below:
perl while loop for each

please replace the perl script with following script in the post

# Description:  This  perl does the following:
#               1.Checks if the target load has completed successfully.If so,
#                 truncates the stage table.
#               2.Mails the no. of records loaded in case the target load has happened.
# Modification History:
$Program = $0 ; $Program =~ s/.*\/// ;
$MyDir   = $0 ; $MyDir   =~ s/[^\/]*$// ;
push ( @INC, "$ENV{Samp_COMMON_SCR}" ) ;
push (@INC, "$ENV{Samp_SCR}") ;
$SIG{'INT'}  = "sub_handle" ;
$SIG{'TERM'} = "sub_handle" ;
require "getopts.pl" ;
require "Samp_misc.pl" ;
require "Samp_exit.pl" ;
require "Samp_db.pl";
require "Samp_job.pl";
require "Samp_log_error.pl";
require "www_gi_date_ext.pl";
# Get user input.
&Getopts ( "j:h" ) ;
if ( defined ( $opt_h ) )
    &print_help_msg ;
    &sub_exit ( 0 ) ;
if ( !defined ( $opt_j ) )
        &Samp_msg("Option j - Autosys Job name required",ERROR);
        &sub_exit(9) ;
        $job_name = $opt_j;
        &Samp_msg("Reading autosys job name - $job_name","",INFO,$job_name);
        $jobname = $job_name;
# Creates connection to Database.
if ( ! ( $dbh = &Samp_user_ora_connect ) )
  &Samp_msg ( "*** Failed to open connection to $ENV{'Samp_ORA_SID'}***","",ERROR,$job_name ) ;
  &sub_exit ( 9 ) ;
# Pre-load. Makes an entry in job_run table and job_step_run table
#if ($res) { &Samp_db_close(\$dbh); &sub_exit ( 9 ) ; }
#if ($res) { &Samp_db_close(\$dbh); &sub_exit ( 9 ) ; }
#if ($res) { &Samp_db_close(\$dbh); &sub_exit ( 9 ) ; }
# declaring the count to 5
##################Get records loaded from file generated by Informatica #############
#change the directory to $Samp_RECEIVE
cd $Samp_RECEIVE ;
# see the files that start with feedmgr.usfed.tips
$CycleDate      = &fi_get_curr_date('US','batch','PROCESS');
 @filelist = `head -1 GNM_GEO.DAT.EMBS* |grep -v GNM_GEO.DAT.EMBS |   awk  '{$4 $5}'`;
foreach $item (@filelist)
&Samp_msg (" item is equal to  ","",INFO,$item ) ; 
$filedate = `$item | awk '{ $2}'`;
if ($filedate =  $CycleDate)
# Call procedure wwww_LDING_CNT_VALIDN
&Samp_msg (" Job Name: $job_name ","",INFO,$job_name ) ;
$sql_header= "BEGIN Metric.IDX_wwww_LOADING_PKG.wwww_LDING_CNT_VALIDN(
:st :=0;
                WHEN OTHERS THEN
                        :st_err_no:=-1 *sqlcode;
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql_header);
&Samp_msg(" Stage Records processed $stg_count","",INFO,$job_name);
&Samp_msg("Target record count $tgt_count","",INFO,$job_name);
&Samp_msg("The matched flag:$matched","",INFO,$job_name);
&Samp_msg("Error message:$err_msg","",INFO,$job_name);
&Samp_msg(" Mailing flag $mail_ind","",INFO,$job_name);
&Samp_msg(" Status:$status","",INFO,$job_name);
&Samp_msg ( "Received SAT Ctrl-C from the user.  Aborting.","",ERROR ) ;
&sub_exit (9) ;
# The End.
&sub_exit ( 0 ) ;
sub sig_handle
    my ( $signame ) = @_ ;
    if ( $signame eq "INT" )
    { &Samp_msg ( "Received SAT Ctrl-C from the user.  Aborting.","",ERROR ) ; }
    if ( $signame eq "TERM" )
    { &Samp_msg ( "Received termination signal (15).  Aborting.","",ERROR ) ; }
    &sub_exit ( 9 ) ;
sub print_help_msg
# Description: Prints the usage information for the script.
# Input:       None.
# Output:      The usage information is written to STDERR.
    print STDERR "
  \$Samp_PERL \$Samp_SCR/$Program -j<Job name> [-h help]
    -h   Print this message and exit.
    -j   Jobname corresponding to the perl script
" ;

The code has been replaced as requested.

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