Urgent Help needed...


I want to create a script which deleted files in the following folders older than 30 days. There are a particular version of files inside it to be deleted

Folders :


I have created the following code but it doesnt seems to be working fine :

$folder="EmailContent Recipients"

# Deleting .csv files from ResponsysSavedList older than 30 days
echo "Searching for files older than 30 days to Delete"
for $folder in $BACKUP_DEST 
    find $BACKUP_DEST -name "NL_Responsys_BackInStock_*.csv" -type f -mtime +30 -print | while read FILENAME
        ls -ald "${FILENAME}"
        rm -r "${FILENAME}"
    echo "BACKUP_DEST incorrect or missing: ${BACKUP_DEST}"

APPSTORAGE is my complete path, so dont bother about it.

The key thing is to write a single code which can delete the file from different paths and they change after folloowing a heirarchy.

try something like this..

find $BACKUP_DEST -name "NL_Responsys_BackInStock_*.csv" -type f -mtime +30 -exec rm -r {} \;

I am getting this error :

bash-3.2$ ./Test.sh -e dev
INFO: Running as admin user nlaedev01
./Test.sh: line 84: =EmailContent Recipients: command not found
Searching for files older than 30 days to Delete
./Test.sh: line 93: `$folder': not a valid identifier

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