Urgent Help Needed: Installing Dual Boot Ubuntu

I have installed Ubuntu 5.04 on my second Hard Drive. My first HD contains windows.

When i make my 2nd HD as boot device, i see GRUB Menu (i.e. stage 2).
On trying to boot Ubuntu, I get an Error 15: File missing problem. The FS shown was FAT.

On trying to boot Windows, I am presented with the GRUB Menu again.
I then figured out that mapping HD0<->HD1was t solution.

But now, on dual booting from GRUB, GRUB Stage 2 still gives t File Missing error.
On dual booting from Windows, GRUB Stage 2 hangs.

Now i certainly feel, i am stuck. Is it the BIOS 1023 Cylinder problem.

Any solution please?
I have re-install Ubuntu, with a seperate 1GB Partition for /boot as first partition on HD2, and install root on the other partition. Still no use.
Now GRUB 1.5 hangs.
(Remember i am installing Ubuntu 5.04, and dont have a sophisticated installation menu )

I now feel really stuck. Please help!!
Any help is highly appreciated.

Ubuntu 5.04 is pretty old and certainly unsupported by now (they are end-of-lifing 6.10 pretty soon). Are you sure you know what you are doing?

Are you saying you needed to edit /boot/grub/device.map, or what exactly does "mapping HD0 <-> HD1" mean?

If you drop to the Grub prompt, are you able to see your devices?

Well, finally got it done!
In the menu.lst file, I changed hd0 to hd1, and vice-versa.
It so happens that when booting, grub always thinks it is on the first disk.
In this case, it wasnt.

So I had to change the config, so that the files would be picked from the correct drive. Thanks anyways!

Well, as for the Ubuntu version, I have placed my request for a new CD.
But I want to use an old version on purpose, and then gradually move to higher ones, to actually feel the difference. :slight_smile:

There are some pesky bugs in some of the dist-upgrades, but if you are doing this for fun, I guess you are prepared for that kind of ... fun. (Edgy's update-grub will clobber your Grub kopts and if you have universe/multiverse packages installed, there was a transition in xorg which wasn't very polished in those parts.)

I currently have XP installed on HD0 and Ubuntu on HD1.

Now on setting the boot device in BIOS, the appropriate Boot Menu comes up (NTLDR or GRUB).

However, each Loader is unable to load the other OS.

i.e. NTLDR cannot load Ubuntu:
I have copied the first 512 bytes (using 'dd') common share location(FAT32 partition).
When NTLDR tries to boot unbuntu using this file, i just get a message:
GRUB _ (blinking cursor).
Then it hangs.

Something similar for GRUB.
On chainloading NTLDR I get a message:

rootnoverify (hd1,0)
chainloader +1

Then it hangs too.

Any suggestions anyone please??

Changing drive-related BIOS settings is one of the scenarios where the drive numbers (hd0, hd1) may get changed from what Grub expects. In that situation, you might need to edit the menu.lst and/or the device.map to get Grub back on track. If you can play around in the Grub shell to find out what settings are correct, that's probably (mildly) less frustrating than pure scattershot guesswork.