Upgrade to Firefox 11 in OpenSolaris 11

Where can I find a .pkg file for Firefox 11 ?

You can download it from this page: OpenSolaris Mozilla downloads, especially that one: OpenSolaris-i386

Thank you for your reply. Tried that, found no .pkg file but download the tar file and found the executable was not current. I did find the free software site where they had a .pkg file. Downloaded it, installed it, am good to go.

The firefox 11 executable present in the tar file was built on March the 13th, i.e. 11 days ago. What do you mean "not current" ?

Please post the free software site where you found the software.
Downloading from a random source can be a security problem.
jlliagre has posted the correct source.

'Not Current' meant it was an old release. Perhaps attributable to my 'newbieness'... I extracted it in the TMP directory, clicked on the firefox .bin and it was not release 11.

The pkg file that was current was downloaded from sunfreeware.com.

All is well now.

The version I posted a link to is definitely the latest one. The issue was very likely you already had a firefox window open. In such situations, firefox doesn't launch itself but instead just open a new window of the current one. Should you want to run it while another instance is already there, you need to use the --no-remote option.

Thank you for the clarification... I just knew there had to be a reason for it.

So much to learn.

Pls disregard. Funny thing - soon as I post a question I find the answer.

---------- Post updated at 05:39 PM ---------- Previous update was at 10:15 AM ----------

OK - looks like the flashplayer plugin is getting the best of me. I have downloaded it from Adobe, issued the pfexec command to move libflashplayer.so to my /usr/lib/firefox/plugins directory, bounced firefox but it cannot find the plugin. Not sure how close the unix version of 'ls -l' is to the linux version, but I see that user/group are slightly different from the new entry to what is existing... can that by my problem ?

-rwxr-xr-x 1 root bin 100632 Oct 20 15:52 libtotem-narrowspace-plugin.so

-rwxr-xr-x 1 stansol staff 18505572 Feb 29 20:14 libflashplayer.so

Have you thought of using the software repository? Solaris 11 has new package management tool, which is much like what you get with linux distros.

Thanks for your reply Bitlord.

Being one to seek the easiest method first the package manager was my first stop. Since the Firefox release was old, I assumed that the flash player was old as well. Taking your suggestion I did install flashplayer using the package manager, bounced Firefox, and websites are still asking me to install Adobe Flash Player.

I rebooted, so Firefox was not up and running.

I downloaded firefox-11.0.en-US.opensolaris-i386.tar.bz2 from both links that you supplied. After bunzipping and untarring both files, i ran firefox/firefox. When the browser came up, I clicked in Help / About Firefox and I get 6.0.2.

I guess that what the OP means by "not current".

@rdhalstead: please refer to post #7 for an explanation of what you observed.

I uninstalled the flashplayer, attempted to uninstall Firefox (with the intent of re-installing Firefox and the flashplayer together) but gave up on that because of all the dependencies... reinstalled flashplayer from the repository and 'bounced' Firefox. The banner still appears across the top advising me that plugins are required.

OK - earlier in this series of replies it was suggested that I use the repository as a source for my upgrade. How does it get upgraded to the now current release 12 ?