Updating Red Hat from RH4 to the latest

hi all,

i have a redhat 4 as (nahant) which i need to update to the latest. i need to download it from my subscription site.

my worry is that this is my first time to do it. is there a safe backout on it? do you have procedures for this? my backup on the linux is from ibm tsm.

i will use cd image because server is not expose to internet, so i can't use up2date.

thank you for any comment you may add.

As far as I am aware - no.

Assuming you are talking about effectively up2dating your existing installation and not upgrading to 5x:

You "could" conceivably rollback or "downgrade" each package individually based on dependencies...

The catch (and a very nasty one here) is in order to perform a rollback you will need access to every old RPM and dependency RPM for the current installation of the system.

In short, it is "possible" but not easy or safe at all.