Updated drive image utility

#! /bin/bash 
# name: drive-image.sh, disk image copy script
# by:   Jan Zumwalt - www.neatinfo.com 
# ver:  Jan 4, 2009
# remarks:
# -e = enable interpretation of backslash codes
# -n = disable newline at end of line (i.e. user input prompt)
# exit 1 = error, exit 0 = success

IMAGE_FROM=hda  # the drive or partition we will copy (save). 
IMAGE_TO=hdc    # the target (were it will be saved)

# Pretty ANSI writing


FkeyRead ()  # character read from keyboard is in $ANSWER
oldstty=$(stty -g)
stty -icanon -echo min 1 time 1
ANSWER=$(dd bs=1 count=1 2>/dev/null)
stty "${oldstty}"

while :
echo -en "\n"
echo -en "\t\t\t$BOLD          Drive Image Copy\n"
echo -en "\t\t\t           by:Jan Zumwalt\n"
echo -en "\t\t\t$YELLOW     NeatInfo.com - Ver Jan 04, 2009$OFF\n\n"
echo -en "\t\t This program uses the dd command to copy an entire drive,\n" 
echo -en "\t\t or partition.$YELLOW If a single mistake is made while manually\n"
echo -en "\t\t typeing the dd command, all your data may be destroyed.$OFF \n"
echo -en "\t\t This script allows you to carefully plan ahead, then \n"
echo -en "\t\t repeat the process fearlessly. It also makes a nice\n"
echo -en "\t\t log for future reference.\n"
echo -en "\n"
echo -en "\t\t This program is set to copy from [$IMAGE_FROM] to [$IMAGE_TO].\n"
echo -en "\t\t You can change what is copied by opening the script\n"
echo -en "\t\t with a text editor and changing two variables near the\n"
echo -en "\t\t beginning of the script.\n"
echo -en "\n\t\t\t\t   $YELLOW($IMAGE_FROM --> $IMAGE_TO)$OFF\n"
echo -en "\n$BOLD"
echo -en "\t\t.------------------------------------------------. \n"
echo -en "\t\t| Please select from one of these options.       |\n"
echo -en "\t\t|                                                |\n"
echo -en "\t\t|$YELLOW 1) Make the drive image $OFF$BOLD                       |\n"  
echo -en "\t\t|$YELLOW 2) View file systems list $OFF$BOLD                     |\n"
echo -en "\t\t|$YELLOW 3) Set up program and create a shortcut $OFF$BOLD       |\n"
echo -en "\t\t|$YELLOW 4) About this program (brief instructions)    $OFF$BOLD |\n"
echo -en "\t\t|$YELLOW 5) Quit $OFF$BOLD                                       |\n"
echo -en "\t\t'------------------------------------------------'\n"
echo -en "\n"
echo -en "\t\t$BOLD    What would you like to do? 1,2,3,4,5 $YELLOW[1]$OFF "

   case $ANSWER in 
         echo -en "\n"
         echo -en "\t\t OK! Here we go...\n"
            # see if log directory exist
     	    if [ ! -d $HOME/logs ]; then
 	       echo -en "\n\n\t\t*** Log directory not found ***\n"
               echo -en "\n\t\t Should I create the directory I need for logs ($HOME/logs)? "
   		  case $ANSWER2 in 
                     mkdir $HOME/logs
         # opportunity to add comment to log file
	 echo -en "\n\t\t You may now add a comment for the log file...\n"
         echo -en "\t\t "        
         read ANSWER
         echo -e "\t\t"$ANSWER >> $HOME/logs/drive-image.log
         # save backup starting time      image  = /boot/vmlinuz
         echo -en "\t\t Backup start time = " `date`"\n"| tee -a "$HOME/logs/drive-image.log"
         echo -en "\t\t Backing up...\n"| tee -a "$HOME/logs/drive-image.log"
         # The actual backup is done here. Included are some possible options.
         # These options are machine specific - here is some of mine...
         # dd if=/dev/hda1 of=/dev/hdc1 # win partition
         # dd if=/dev/hda7 of=/dev/hdc7 # linux partition
         # dd if=/dev/hda  of=/dev/hdc  # entire IDE slot 1 drive to IDE slot 3 <default>
         dd if=/dev/$IMAGE_FROM of=/dev/$IMAGE_TO bs=1024k | tee -a "$HOME/logs/drive-image.log"
         # save backup ending time
         echo -en "\t\t Backup end time = " `date`"\n"| tee -a "$HOME/logs/drive-image.log"
         # success - show log file and exit
         echo -en "\t\t Script completed successfully.\n\n"| tee -a "$HOME/logs/drive-image.log"
         echo -en "\t\t *******************************************\n"
         echo -en "\t\t ***   Here is a copy of your log file   ***\n"
         echo -en "\t\t *******************************************\n"
         cat $HOME/logs/drive-image.log
         echo -en "\n\n\t\t     Press the ${YELLOW}[ANY]${OFF} key to exit. "
         echo -en "\n\n"  
       exit 0;;

      2) # set up program and create a shortcut         
           echo -en "\n\n"
           echo -en "\t.-------------------  Here is your mounted media  ------------------.\n"
           echo -en "\t.                                                                   .\n"
           fdisk -l | pr -o10 -t | cut -c1-75
           echo -en "\t.                                                                   .\n"
           echo -en "\t'-------------------------------------------------------------------'\n"
           echo -en "\t.                                                                   .\n"
           echo -en "\t.  This is a listing of your MOUNTED media. You may have other      .\n"
           echo -en "\t.  media attached and available. The file system or devices ${YELLOW}do${OFF}      .\n"
           echo -en "\t.  ${YELLOW}not have to be mounted${OFF} to work.$BOLD The \"dd\" command that this       .\n"
           echo -en "\t.  program uses can be VERY dangerous.$OFF There is no way of knowing   .\n"
           echo -en "\t.  what the intent of the user is, and in less than 1 second        .\n"
           echo -en "\t.  permanent data loss will occur! So, please be very carfull!      .\n"
           echo -en "\t.                                                                   .\n"
           echo -en "\t'-------------------------------------------------------------------'\n"
           echo -en "\n\t\t     Press ${YELLOW}[ANY]${OFF} key to return to main menu."
           clear ;;

      3) # set up program and create a shortcut         
           if [ ! -d $HOME"/logs" ] ; then # if log dir not made, create it
              mkdir $HOME"/logs"
              echo -en "\n\t\t Checking and setting up script " `date`"\n"| tee -a "$HOME/logs/drive-image.log"
              echo -en "\t\t Missing personal log dir, I made one at $HOME/logs\n"| tee -a "$HOME/logs/drive-image.log"
              echo -en "\n\t\t Checking and setting up script " `date`"\n"| tee -a "$HOME/logs/drive-image.log"
              echo -en "\t\t Found personal log dir at $HOME/logs\n"| tee -a "$HOME/logs/drive-image.log"

           if [ ! -d $HOME"/bin" ] ; then # if bin dir not made, create it
              mkdir $HOME"/bin"
              echo -en "\t\t Missing personal bin dir, I made one at $HOME/bin\n"| tee -a "$HOME/logs/drive-image.log"
              echo -en "\t\t Found personal bin dir at $HOME/bin\n"| tee -a "$HOME/logs/drive-image.log"

           if [ ! -f $HOME"/bin/drive-image.sh" ] ; then # if prog not in bin dir, copy it there
              cp $0 $HOME"/bin/drive-image.sh" # copy myself to the bin dir
              echo -en "\t\t I copied script to bin dir at $HOME/bin\n"| tee -a "$HOME/logs/drive-image.log"
              cp $0 $HOME"/bin/drive-image.sh" # copy myself to the bin dir
              echo -en "\t\t I overwrote script in bin dir at $HOME/bin\n"| tee -a "$HOME/logs/drive-image.log"

           chmod  ugo+x "$HOME/bin/drive-image.sh" # make sure script will execute 
           echo -en "\t\t Confirmed script is executable at $HOME/bin\n"| tee -a "$HOME/logs/drive-image.log"
           echo -en "\n"

           START_DIR=$PWD # save current dir
           echo -en "\t\t Going to your desktop and creating shortcut...\n"| tee -a "$HOME/logs/drive-image.log" 
           cd $HOME"/Desktop" # goto desktop to make shortcut
           echo "[Desktop Entry]"
           echo "Comment="
           echo "Comment[en_US]="
           echo "Encoding=UTF-8"
           echo "Exec='$HOME/bin/drive-image.sh'"
           echo "GenericName=" 
           echo "GenericName[en_US]="
           echo "Icon=exec"
           echo "MimeType="
           echo "Name=drive-image"
           echo "Name[en_US]=drive-image"
           echo "Path="               
           echo "StartupNotify=true" 
           echo "Terminal=true"               
           echo "TerminalOptions=\s--noclose"   
           echo "Type=Application"            
           echo "X-DCOP-ServiceType=none"   
           echo "X-KDE-SubstituteUID=false"
           echo "X-KDE-Username=" 
           } > "drive-image.desktop"
           chmod  ugo+x "drive-image.desktop" # make shortcut executable
           cd $START_DIR # be nice and return to our original dir

           echo -en "\t\t Created desktop shortcut...\n"| tee -a "$HOME/logs/drive-image.log" 
           echo -en "\n\t\t Press ${YELLOW}[ANY]${OFF} key to return to main menu."
           clear ;;
      4) # we are here because the user wanted to quit
         echo -en "\n"
         echo -en "\t .--------------------- $BOLD About This Program $OFF ---------------------.\n"
         echo -en "\t .                                                                .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  This is a very brief explanation of how this program works.   .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  This program will work with all file systems. They do not     .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  have to be mounted to work. This program's primary use is to  .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  copy complete drive images to identical drives. This will     .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  provide an exact backup that is bootable (including MS Win).  .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  If you are not interested in a bootable backup, it may be     .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  better to use the tar command which offers compact file size. .\n"
         echo -en "\t . $YELLOW This program can be VERY dangerous.$OFF There is no way of        .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  knowing what the users intent is. A typo error can cause      .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  permanent data loss in less than 1 second!                    .\n"
         echo -en "\t .                                                                .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  IDE drives are the most common, so I'll use it as an example. .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  Most mother boards provide 4 IDE drive ports attached by 2    .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  cables. Each cable can have two drives plugged on to them.    .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  UNIX controls them with alias names hda,hdb,hdc, and  hdd.    .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  Each partition on a drive can be designated by adding a       .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  number. hda1 is the first partition on the first drive, hda3  .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  is the third partition of the same drive.                     .\n"
         echo -en "\t .                                                                .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  more...                   pg 1 of 3                           .\n"
         echo -en "\t .----------------------------------------------------------------.\n"
         echo -en "\n\t\t     Press $YELLOW [ANY]$OFF key to continue... "
         echo -en "\n"
         echo -en "\t .--------------------- $BOLD About This Program $OFF ---------------------.\n"
         echo -en "\t .                                                                .\n"
         echo -en "\t . \"dd\" is the UNIX command to make a file or partition image.    .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  The \"dd\" command uses IF (in file) and OF (out file) as file  .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  system parameters. To completely copy the 1st IDE drive to    .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  the 2nd drive, we would use this command...                   .\n"
         echo -en "\t .    $YELLOW dd if=/dev/hda of=/dev/hdb $OFF                                .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  Because we did not give partition numbers, the whole 1st      .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  drive will be copied to the entire 2nd drive.                 .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  To copy a specific partition we must use the partition        .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  number. Suppose we would like to copy the 1st partition of    .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  IDE-3 (the \"c\" drive) and have it go to partion 4 of the      .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  same drive. We would use this command...                      .\n"
         echo -en "\t .    $YELLOW dd if=/dev/hdc1 of=/dev/hdc4  $OFF                             .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  Be forwarned that if the two partitions are not the same      .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  size, bad things can happen. You usually are all right if     .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  you copy a small partition to a big one, but copying a big    .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  one to a small one usually results in data corruption.        .\n"
         echo -en "\t .                                                                .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  more...                   pg 2 of 3                           .\n"
         echo -en "\t .----------------------------------------------------------------.\n"
         echo -en "\n\t\t     Press $YELLOW [ANY]$OFF key to continue... "
         echo -en "\n"
         echo -en "\t .----------------------------------------------------------------.\n"
         echo -en "\t .                                                                .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  To make selecting the file systems easy, I made two           ,\n"
         echo -en "\t .  variables to hold the drive definitions. They are located     .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  near the beginning of the program listing. Here is how the    .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  actual \"dd\" command looks using variables...                  .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  $YELLOW  dd if=/dev/\$IMAGE_FROM of=/dev/\$IMAGE_TO  $OFF                  .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  UNIX is very generious in file system support, so this        .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  script can be used for SATA, SCSII, and USB drives too. I     .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  have not tried other devices such as memory cards, but I      .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  can not see any reason they should not work just as well.     .\n"
         echo -en "\t .                                                                .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  Here are some examples I use with my 250gb development sys.   .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  IMAGE_FROM=hda,  IMAGE_TO=hdc    # entire \"A\" to \"C\" drive    .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  IMAGE_FROM=hda1, IMAGE_TO=hdc1   # MS Windows partition       .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  IMAGE_FROM=hda7, IMAGE_TO=hdc7   # linux partition            .\n"
         echo -en "\t .                                                                .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  Future enhancements will probably include a modest menu       .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  so that manual text editing is not needed to select the       .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  file systems. At the shell prompt, type$YELLOW man fdisk$OFF for some    .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  interesting information. I hope this is of some use :)        .\n"
         echo -en "\t .                                                                .\n"
         echo -en "\t .                              $BOLD  Jan Zumwalt - NeatInfo.com $OFF     .\n"
         echo -en "\t .                                                                .\n"
         echo -en "\t .                          pg 3 of 3                             .\n"
         echo -en "\t .----------------------------------------------------------------.\n"
         echo -en "\n\t\t     Press $YELLOW [ANY]$OFF key to continue... "
         clear ;;

      5|[QqXx]) # we are here because the user wanted to quit
         echo -en "\n\n"
         echo -en "\t\t      OK! I am quiting...\n"
         echo -en "\n\t\t      Press $YELLOW [ANY]$OFF key to exit... "
         echo -en "\n\n"
         exit 1;;
      *) # the users response does not make sense so...
         echo -en "\n\n"
         echo -en "\t\t$BOLD   Please enter ${YELLOW}1,2,3,4,5 $OFF \n"
         echo -en "\n\t\t   Press $YELLOW [ANY]$OFF key to try again... "
         echo -en "\n\n"
         clear ;;
exit 1

I can do a full backup of my 250GB drive (about 230GB occupied) in about 2-1/4hrs with this command:

tar czf music.tgz /public/music

It has the advantage over your script in that it doesn't require an second identically sized partition to copy it to.

Another advantage is that it will use less space than using dd.

I find it very strange that you hard-code the partitions in an interactive script.


The yellow text is illegible in my terminal windows.


Why do you suppress the newline and then add one?

What's wrong with a simple echo?


Why bother displaying all the partitions when you don't offer the user a way to select any of them?

You don't need the brackets.

   case $ANSWER in 

And you don't need to redirect every line. Either use printf:

           printf "%s\n" \
              "[Desktop Entry]"                 \
              "Comment="                        \
       #### snip ####
              "X-KDE-SubstituteUID=false"       \
              "X-KDE-Username="                 > "dr-image.desktop"
           chmod  ugo+x "dr-image.desktop" # make shortcut executable

Or braces:

           echo "[Desktop Entry]"
           echo "Comment="
           echo "Comment[en_US]="
       #### snip ####
           echo "X-KDE-SubstituteUID=false"
           echo "X-KDE-Username="
           }  > "dr-image.desktop"