Update sh file using VBA before perl script is run

I have a VBA that creates a new directory folder and creates a new text file in that directory. I am trying to run a perl script from the VBA and have created a batch file that gets called from the VBA. That bat file uses a shell file to run a script. When the batch file is called I get the error below and not sure how to fix it. I understand the first part of the error, but the directory it uses is the batch, so I am confused. I apologize for the long post, just wanted to be complete. Thank you :).


CMD.EXE was started with the above path as the current directory.
UNC paths are not supported.  Defaulting to Windows directory.
'C:\Users\cmccabe\Desktop\NxClinical.bat' is not recognized as an internal or ex
ternal command,
operable program or batch file. 


Private Sub CommandButton3_Click()
    Dim MyBarCode   As String      ' Enter Barcode
    Dim MyScan      As String      ' Enter ScanDate
    Dim MyDirectory As String
    MyBarCode = Application.InputBox("Please enter the barcode", "Bar Code", Type:=2)
    If MyBarCode = "False" Then Exit Sub   'user canceled
        MyScan = Application.InputBox("Please enter scan date", "Scan Date", Date, Type:=2)
        If MyScan = "False" Then Exit Sub   'user canceled
        If IsDate(MyScan) Then Exit Do
        MsgBox "Please enter a valid date format. ", vbExclamation, "Invalid Date Entry"
    Range("B20").Value = MyBarCode
    Range("B21").Value = CDate(MyScan)
    MyDirectory = "N:\1_DATA\MicroArray\NexusData\" & MyBarCode & "_" & Format(CDate(MyScan), "m-d-yyyy") & "\"
    ' Create nexus directory and folder
    If Dir(MyDirectory, vbDirectory) = "" Then MkDir MyDirectory
    If MsgBox("The project file has been created. " & _
              "Do you want to create a template for analysis now?", _
              vbQuestion + vbYesNo) = vbYes Then
        'Write to text file
        Open MyDirectory & "sample_descriptor.txt" For Output As #1
        Print #1, "Experiment Sample" & vbTab & "Control Sample" & vbTab & "Display Name" & vbTab & "Gender" & vbTab & "Control Gender" & vbTab & "Spikein" & vbTab & "SpikeIn Location" & vbTab & "Barcode"
        Print #1, MyBarCode & "_532Block1.txt" & vbTab & MyBarCode & "_635Block1.txt" & vbTab & ActiveSheet.Range("B8").Value & " " & ActiveSheet.Range("B9").Value & vbTab & ActiveSheet.Range("B10").Value & vbTab & ActiveSheet.Range("B5").Value & vbTab & ActiveSheet.Range("B11").Value & vbTab & ActiveSheet.Range("B12").Value & vbTab & ActiveSheet.Range("B20").Value
        Print #1, MyBarCode & "_532Block2.txt" & vbTab & MyBarCode & "_635Block2.txt" & vbTab & ActiveSheet.Range("C8").Value & " " & ActiveSheet.Range("C9").Value & vbTab & ActiveSheet.Range("C10").Value & vbTab & ActiveSheet.Range("C5").Value & vbTab & ActiveSheet.Range("C11").Value & vbTab & ActiveSheet.Range("C12").Value & vbTab & ActiveSheet.Range("B20").Value
        Print #1, MyBarCode & "_532Block3.txt" & vbTab & MyBarCode & "_635Block3.txt" & vbTab & ActiveSheet.Range("D8").Value & " " & ActiveSheet.Range("D9").Value & vbTab & ActiveSheet.Range("D10").Value & vbTab & ActiveSheet.Range("D5").Value & vbTab & ActiveSheet.Range("D11").Value & vbTab & ActiveSheet.Range("D12").Value & vbTab & ActiveSheet.Range("B20").Value
        Print #1, MyBarCode & "_532Block4.txt" & vbTab & MyBarCode & "_635Block4.txt" & vbTab & ActiveSheet.Range("E8").Value & " " & ActiveSheet.Range("E9").Value & vbTab & ActiveSheet.Range("E10").Value & vbTab & ActiveSheet.Range("E5").Value & vbTab & ActiveSheet.Range("E11").Value & vbTab & ActiveSheet.Range("E12").Value & vbTab & ActiveSheet.Range("B20").Value
        Close #1
        'Run ImaGene
        If MsgBox("Please run the ImaGene analysis. " & _
              "and click yes after it completes to verify the spike-ins.", _
              vbQuestion + vbYesNo) = vbYes Then
        'Update folder structure and call perl
        Dim PathCrnt As String
        Dim wsh As Object

        PathCrnt = MyDirectory
        Set wsh = VBA.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
        Dim waitOnReturn As Boolean: waitOnReturn = True
        Dim windowStyle As Integer: windowStyle = 1
        Dim errrCode As Long

        errrCode = wsh.Run("cmd /K ""C:\Users\cmccabe\Desktop\NxClinical.bat""" _
        , windowStyle, waitOnReturn)

        If errrCode = 0 Then
           MsgBox "Done! No error to report."
           MsgBox "Program exited with error code " & errrCode & "."
        End If

    End If
        MsgBox "Nothing has been done. ", vbExclamation, "Goodbye!"
    End If
    Application.DisplayAlerts = False
End Sub  

Bat that calls perl script

 C:\cygwin\bin\bash --login -i ./Run_probes.sh 

Run_probes.sh (the underlined portion of the could is what changes)

perl ~/get_imagene_spikein_probe_values.pl  .   ./sample_descriptor.txt  <  ~/test_probes8.txt  >  ./output.txt