Update Red Hat using rpm

Hi to all, I am new in Linux systems so im trying to get familiar with certain procedures. I want to update a Linux machine but i cannot use subscription manager so i want to do it using the


command. How is it possible to see what packages need to be updated? Do i have to check the installed packages one by one to see if there is a new version available? Thank you in advance

Use CentOS, "Scientific Linux" or get a Subscription.
Then run as root:

yum update

Maybe (untested) you could use 'their' repo files for your RHEL (w/o sub) installation.


yes actually the problem is that i cannot use subscription manager for this server. this is what i was told by our security department which did the configuration on the firewall for this server. i use subscription manager for other servers but they said that particularly for this server this cannot be done. you mean that there is a repo in RHEL website that contains all update packages for a specific version? i will check about it.

If you have RHEL contract for at least one server, you should be able to download and create local repositories and update from it.

Other then that you should convince security folks to allow internet just for update or you can create a proxy just for update (you should notify folks you will be using proxy).

it was suggested to me to create a virtual "dummy" server, install the same Red Hat version that i have on the machine that i want to update and then i could use the subscription manager to download only the packages that are needed for the update. then i can send these packages to the server and install them. i found also a similar procedure on Red Hat website. here is the link: How to update an offline Red Hat Enterprise Linux server without network connection to Red Hat/Proxy/Satellite? - Red Hat Customer Portal you need to have a Red Hat account in order to see it.

I have used a method very similar to that documented in the RH Knowledgebase article for an airgap'ed system. It works - provided you are very very careful in keeping track of all the various RPMs. Can be a lot of work.

yes i think that it can be a lot of work too.
but i dont know how long it will take for the server to have access to internet so i should try to update it until the problem is fixed.