Update Manager Not Working


I reinstalled my OS today and after going through the registration the updatemanager pops up, as expected. The problem is all i get is an error message box that's completely blank.

The icon in the sytem tray is a blue question mark and when hovering over it, it says i'm not registered for updates.

I really don't know how to fix this or where to start. Does anyone know what might be causing this or know what i need to do to fix it?


Is your system connected to the internet? I hope you do.
Do you have a Sun online a/c . ? You can use it to register your solaris OS that is running on your system.

i am connected to the internet and have registered my system. All i did was reinstall my system, i've used the same credentials to register the new installation. It was working before but not now. The error pop-up is what's confusing me the most. It's completely blank.

try to use the "smpatch" commandline tool to check your setup. i don't know the syntax right now but it was something like "smpatch get ...". please read the manpage!

There's no way you can troubleshoot the problem for update manager. It has alot of unknown issues which you def need to esc to SUN backline. I have checked that out for you already