UPDATE COmmand post comparing 2 columns in 2 mysql tables

my queryis :

select distinct m.name, item_count, item from master m join client p on m.name=p.name where item_count = 1 and item > 1;
[/CODE]But how should I update them?

i used update statetment :

Update from client Set item =1  where m.name=p.name and item_count=1 AND item>1

Is this wrong?

So I used this to find the entries:

select distinct m.name, item_count, item from master m join client p on m.name=p.name where item_count = 1 and item > 1;

But how should I update them?

Update from client Set item =1  where m.name=p.name and item_count=1 AND item>1

Is this wrong?