Unzip, copy, and delete loop

Hey there,

I am trying to move zipped text files from a remote server to a remote tape storage facility, through my home directory. What I want to do is get the zip file (using scp), unzip it, copy the output text file which was inside (using rfcp) to the tape storage server, and then delete them both from my home.
The problem is I can't find a way to redirect the output of the 'unzip' command (aka the text file) to use it for other commands.
Here is what I came up with :

cat list-zip.dat | \
while read filename1
	echo "Variable filename is set to $filename1..."

	# Copy the zip file from the server
	scp lardcs@atlasgw:BUFFER-HV/$filename1 .

	# Here I want to unzip the file and put the                    
	# output text file as an argument for the rfcp command  
	# Copy the text file to the tape storage pool disk
	rfcp $filename2 /castor/cern.ch/atlas/LargFec/HighVoltage

	rm $filename1 # delete the zip file
	rm $filename2 # delete the text file

My list-zip.dat is a simple list of the zip files I've created using 'ls > list-zip.dat'

Any help will be much appreciated.

Thank you.

Please someone help !
I'm sure somebody knows how to deal with my problem !
Thank you.

You don't need the backslash.
You don't even need cat.

while IFS= read -r filename1
: ...
done < list-zip.dat

Why don't you unzip the files in an empty directory and use a wildcard?

Okay, didn't know that, I'll guess I'll use it.

I thought about that, the problem is the rfcp command, which does not support wildcards... It's a command used to copy files to a tape storage unit through a disk pool, and it was developped by people here at CERN.

Anyway through hardcore web-browsing I managed to solve my problem, I just did a "ls | grep stuff > file.dat" and read the file to feed the filename to the rfcp command. And it works !
Thanks again and see you around.