Unusual Behavior?

Our comp-operator has come across a peculiar �feature'. We have this directory where we save all the reports that were generated for a particular department for only one calendar year. Currently there are 45,869 files. When the operator tried to backup that drive it started to print a flie-listing of that directory. This also happens if you try to �ls� that directory. Is there was a limit to the number of files �ls� can display?

I dont believe there are any limitations for "ls" on HP-UX 11.00. I have successfully created 50,000 files in a dir and "ls" them. Are you trying to use a wildcard with "ls" ? If this is the case, then the shell will indeed have a maximum argument length.

THX citaylor. It was a combination of using a wildcard and our terminal emulator. Once we did not allow pass-through printing the problem was resolved

You can also use a pipe with xargs....