Unregietred a nis+ client


How can I unregistered a nis+ client. I want it works without nis+.

Bests regards

3.7: How to Remove NIS From a SunOS Client?

To remove NIS from a SunOS client, remove the NIS files, as follows:

% rm -r /var/yp/`domainname`
% rm /etc/defaultdomain

If you just want to temporarily disable NIS, you should move the
objects to different names, rather than removing them.

Afterwards, reboot the machine.

SunService Tip Sheet for Sun NIS

You should also remove nis from /etc/nsswitch.conf

Actually /var/nis is where the NIS+ data is stored. Get rid of the cold start file and pkill rpc.nisd and it will stop.

Running sysunconfig is another way, but make sure you understand your network settings as it will put the system back to new as far as network settings and root passwd goes. You will need to enter/fix the default router, root passwd, IP, hostname, subnet mask, etc. Check your nsswitch.conf afterwards as well.