Unqualified host name

Hi All
I am Having V890 Server with Solaris 10 OS.In Dmesg showing the sendmail error.

This is the error:

Jul 26 22:04:56 ORACLE sendmail[24142]: [ID 702911 mail.crit] My unqualified host name (ORACLE) unknown; sleeping for retry
Jul 26 22:05:56 ORACLE sendmail[24142]: [ID 702911 mail.alert] unable to qualify my own domain name (ORACLE) -- using short name
Jul 26 23:00:01 ORACLE sendmail[9564]: [ID 702911 mail.crit] My unqualified host name (ORACLE) unknown; sleeping for retry
Jul 26 23:01:01 ORACLE sendmail[9564]: [ID 702911 mail.alert] unable to qualify my own domain name (ORACLE) -- using short name

How to resolve this.


Don't use UPPER-CASE for hostnames.

That isn't the problem, modify your /etc/hosts (and /etc/inet/ipnodes on Solaris 10) thus:

ip.add.re.ss oracle oracle.mydomainname.com



should yo try this..

First check to see if sendmail is running in "server" mode or "client only" mode. In Solaris 10 and later, this can be checked by:

% svcprop -p config/local_only sendmail

If the output is "false" then sendmail is in "server" mode; if "true" then sendmail is in "client only" mode. If sendmail is in "server" mode, then you should really run check-hostname and do what it says. But if "client only" mode, the following is safe. Look for the localhost entries in /etc/hosts and add your hostname (get this by running the `hostname` command):

hostname hostname.local

as aliases on the same line; e.g. if `hostname` reports "solaris-devx":

::1 localhost loghost solaris-devx solaris-devx.local localhost loghost solaris-devx solaris-devx.local


In my own case(Solaris 10 installed) I changed the file /etc/nodename (u can create a new file if you do not have one) such that it contains the hostname which I would like my system to have.
And do not forget to end the name by a carriage return(new line character..press enter after printing the name). Reboot the machine and it will atleast change the hostname of the machine.
This is what worked in my case

Hi All,

After fixing the unqualified hostname problem, i got one more error.In my server i schduled cronjobs.i cant able to get a mail because of sendmail error.Can anyone help me.

Jul 30 22:05:18 ORACLE sendmail[19939]: [ID 801593 mail.crit] l6UGZI30019933: SYSERR(root): oracle.xxx.com. config error: mail loops back to me (MX problem?)
Jul 30 23:00:00 ORACLE sendmail[11659]: [ID 801593 mail.crit] l6UHU0RC011657: SYSERR(root): oracle.xxx.com. config error: mail loops back to me (MX problem?)


This is a very common misconfiguration issue

Sendmail FAQ, Section 4
