Unknown terminal v2700


i tried to login the solaris server from my desktop(putty). i got one error , i.e "Unknow terminal V2700"

could any body help, how it came.

you ssh or telnet? what are the options you choose on the putty? are you getting the same when accessing other servers as well? screen shot?


iam not getting any errors for other servers.

Im just getting confused.. Is this a pop-up error message or what..? Is ur system ALIVE?
If I cant visualise, I cant help.. thats y Im asking for at least a screen shot

Putty Configure -> Terminal -> Features -> check "Disable destructive backspace on server sending ^?"

And for goodness sake, use the latest version of putty and try. It might help

PuTTY attempts to emulate the Unix xterm program, and by default it reflects this by sending xterm as a terminal-type string. If you find this is not doing what you want - perhaps the remote terminal reports "Unknown terminal type" - you could try setting this to something different, such as vt220.

When did you get the error? Right when you logon or when you issue some command?
What version of Solaris?
What does "echo $TERM" show?
It may be that term is being set in /etc/profile to v2700. It which case you should be able to correct the situation by manually setting it.