Unix tracking software versions

I want to maintain a repository to track versions of common daemons running on several platforms such as apache, ssh, mysql; so that i can asociate vulnerabilities for each version of sw, Does anyone know if there is a project about this requirement? I search for projects in sourceforge, freshmeat without luck ... any help would be greatefull!...

thanks in advance ...


Have you tried or looked into using CVS (Version Control System) for this? Not sure exactly what you want to track, but if just some notation, could use a simple CSV (Comma Separated Variable) file, or a more informative way would be via a database, using PostgreSQL or MySQL.

Thanks for the reply, ... CVS is not on my needs, I want to track the version. For instance, with nmap I can use :

nektar@skywalker:~$ nmap -A -T4 -p80 www.unix.com | grep open
80/tcp open http Apache httpd 1.3.28 ((Unix) PHP/4.3.10)

and I can obtain the version and modules used by apache, I want something like this but centralized, so I can then link platforms, software with new advisories and nessus reports. Is it clear?

Thanks in advance!

Nektar Proton.