unix question: user supplied input for 'alias'

I have a program to scan the log files and I want to pipe the output to 'less'.

I want to create an alias such that following are equivalent

scanlog chunky.lst = /udd/n2man/utils/scanlog chunky.lst|less

where chunky is user supplied file which can change.

Is this possible as an alias or do I need to create a script?


ps: Sorry for rather uninformative title.

I do not see (upon looking) where you can do this with aliases in ksh. So I am assuming that you want this as generic as possible.

I am recommending using a function. they work in SH, KSH, & BASH.

One way would be:

logscan () {

/udd/n2man/utils/scanlog $1 | less

Better would be:

logscan () {

if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
echo "usage: logscan: logscan <file>"
return 1

/udd/n2man/utils/scanlog $1 | less


I make it a habit not to name functions the same name as an existing program. Unless I want to FORCE myself NEVER to use the program.
[Which *is* possible.]
P.S.: There STILL exist some versions of the bourne shell that do NOT recognize functions. If you have one, my heart bleeds for you. :smiley: :smiley: