Unix OS Installer

so can i just dl the one with the installer?

I just need the OS....which one should I go about it?

and how do I install into my router?

Install into your router?? I asked if that's what you wanted, and you said no! These other distributions are to install on a normal computer.

You must mean the linux mini-distribution for the wrt54g. It is the first google hit for the search terms linux wrt54g.

But you're not going to be able to do what you want with a router. It's not a full-fledged computer, you won't be able to fit all the things you need to do C programming on it.

cus I din understand wad u meant.

I am suppose to find an OS, or firmware, to install into the router, and using cygwin, a platform, to code C....

cygwin is for windows. It's not for linux, and certainly not for routers. You could use it to install gcc on your windows computer and use that to make programs for the router, maybye, though it's not going to be easy to get it to make programs for the weird processor in your router.

cygwin is a windows platform showing linux environment.

it can be used to code programs, for the router to talk to other computer that logged on to its wireless network, isnt it?

I am told this way....

Right. Or, close enough.

It can be, but this isn't an easy task even on a real linux system. gcc needs special configuration to cross-compile this way.

thats why I need serious help....

I am not even C trained...

sigh...... :frowning:

this distro can also be used on your router.

[edit] Sorry, that link was broken.

hmm what is that?

how do i go about using it?

sorry, and thanks for the replies...

You go about using it by reading it's documentation. You'll see the very first section is 'installing openwrt'.

Do you absolutely need to install linux on your router? Couldn't you just get an old Pentium III computer, install linux, and learn C on that? Having to do this with your router makes it a million times harder. Cross compiling is a real pain.

when i click on the link beside the wrt54g, which is http://www.broadcom.com/products/Wireless-LAN/802.11-Wireless-LAN-Solutions/BCM4712, there isnt any button for me to dl.

is this an OS?

It's a router. If you want to download the OS, go to OpenWRT's main page and click on 'downloads'.

thanks..do i need to register to download?

sorry, under downloads from the openwrt main page, there are many files...

can u name me some of the OSs available?

many thanks..!!

No, you don't. But their downloads probably won't do you much good without a well-configured cygwin setup or a linux install. Are you absolutely certain you need to learn C programming on your router? You've taken the absolute hardest way possible to accomplish this.

If you can't figure out which file to download without being spoon-fed, you certainly won't be able to install it or use it without being spoon-fed, and while I want to help you, I already have a career. Are you absolutely certain you need to learn C programming on your router? You've taken the absolute hardest way possible to accomplish this.

thats wad my stupid supervisor asked me to do so.

are there simpler and easier ways?

so where are the OSs?

Explain to him that he's picked the absolute hardest way possible to teach you how to learn C. Explain to him that even administrators who've been using linux for years would find this a daunting task.

Yes. Get an old Pentium III computer, install linux on it. No cygwin nonsense, no router nonsense, and you end up with a system that people here know enough about to actually help you with.

Absolutely. I have done some rewriting of the os on one of these, and it is:

  1. Not for the inexperienced C programmer or sysadmin
  2. Not for the faint hearted
  3. Not a good platform to work with
  4. Not easy to recover if you break it

If you really have to work with one of them, do ALL your development on a the platform Corona suggested, then migrate, do not try to work directly on the router, all you'll get from that is a broken router. By the time you get your code working you'll at least have a bit more experience and be more likely to get things working.

i am suppose to come up with a re written small programme, to get it into the router so that it can talk to ppl and recgonise friends that has already been connected to this router, some sort like a router MSN, where u register users, can say hi to them...kinda thing.

This seems a strange thing to install on a router. How did you get tasked with this?