UNIX on OS X (Panther)

I wanna know what Panther (The Next Major Release Of OS X)

Due Date: around August

I predict that X11 will be released in a new Full stable version in the new OS X (No new revelation)

And Safari (Apple's FAST Internet Browser) will be implemented in Full...

I'm Guessing that the new G5 Chip will also come about around the End of The year... Motorola or IBM That is the Question?

IBM PPC 970 series or M PPC 8600 Series: My vote is for Motorola

KDE runs damn slow via Fink... Closer integration later on maybe?

At the moment I hate Linux, I have RH 9 and YDL 3 it sickens me.

The only nice tradeOff is it's FREE*

You'll never become popular (OPENSOURCE SYSTEMS) if you don't make the OS more friendly for the sheep of this world that follow W*nd*z* XP and such systems...

I have a Question why is Solaris (SUN) not available for Linux more or less FREE because it's also base on X Window System?