UNIX on a blank system

I am brand new to UNIX. I am planning on setting up a server/workstation in a few months and I am trying to do some research. If I have a brand new computer with absolutely nothing installed on it how do I install UNIX? What setup would be best for personal web hosting and serving a network of about 20-30 people? I am confused about how to actually install UNIX on a computer and what the different versions are all about.:cool:

Thanks for your time,

What architecture?
Looks very much X86...
If so theres opensolaris, and all the linux distribs

Thanks for replying... Yeah I'm pretty sure it's going to be X86... nothing special, above and beyond.

I am downloading Fedora right now. Is it worth while to test out a few different Linux systems (i.e. Fedora, OpenSolaris, openSUSE, etc..)?

Also, is it possible to run video games on unix systems (i.e. WoW, CoD, etc..)?


I suppose the best for you would be to try a live CD/DVD of something good like knoppix...
Let it configure itself, try to create yourself a small temporary swap then look what you can do and learn.
IMHO if its a server you want, then look for true server OS like SUSE CentOS or debian

Thank you for your help. I will look into it. :b:

UNIX is not a Windows replacement; if you must run Windows programs, use Windows.

It's technically possible to load and run Windows programs on an x86 Linux system through Wine. Windows-compatibility is a continuous uphill battle to keep up with Microsoft's nonstop API changes and extensions, so compatibility isn't good enough to guarantee a new graphics-intensive program will operate. Conversely, some older games run better in Wine than they do in modern Windows: older API's still work in Wine even after MS guts them and leaves them to rot.