UNIX Mount Issue


Not entirely sure if this is the right thread.

Essentially, fdisk -l shows that /dev/sda is a drive (750 GB), with 1 partition at /dev/sda1 with system type "Linux".

I'm pretty nooby at working with drives, but I'm pretty sure that the output of:

mount /dev/sda1 /media/int

Should not be:

mount: No such file or directory


Please show us the output from the command:

ls -ld /dev/sda1 /media/int

The diagnostic you're getting from mount seems to indicate that one or both of these files missing.

Output of ls -ld /dev/sda1 /media/int:

brw-rw---- 1 root disk 8, 1 Jun 21 21:47 /dev/sda1
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root   40 Jun 21 21:26 /media/int/

Has a filesystem been build on the slice /dev/sda1? With this naming convention, I'm assuming you are running a Linux variant, so it might need an mkfs appropriate to the (logical) volume type you have created.

How did you create the volume and what did you define it as? We would need to know:-

  • Partition type as defined with fdisk (was it type 8e, Linux LVM?)
  • Options from a pvcreate

There may be follow up question depending on what you chose. It might just be a procedural issue.

Thanks, in advance,

rbatte1, turned out you were pretty close. I realised there was a broken ntfs on the hdd, that's why it wasn't mounting.

Cheers all,
