Unix macro help

I just opened one old RH box and found number of "macros" in there, that how they called in how-to doc, let say you type <rx> and this does a lot of stuff.
I can't figure out how it work, how I can edit/display these macros? Can anybody point to the right directions? I have some academic edu in Unix/Linux but the only thing comes to my mind is <make>,<makefile>

Thanks for your help.


Those "macros" could be aliases or shellscripts or similar. Just try

type rx

at the shell command prompt and see, what they are.

Thank hergp!!!
What is it's a function???

.$ type rx
rx is the function

Where it is? How I can see it, I tried to do find -name "rx*" with no sucess.

Thansk for help

Functions aren't files, but get defined in shell scripts. Check /etc/profile, ~/.profile, ~/.bashrc, ... for it.