Unix: lowercase to uppercase

I just started to learn unix...
and i needed to make a basic script.

i need to

  1. read a file (.txt)
  2. count the words of EVERY sentece
  3. sentences with odd number of words need to be converted into lowercase
    sentences with even number of words need to be converted into uppercase

4.the translation needs to be written into a different file

I just can't sepperate the sentences and count the words of every sentance appart.
can someone help me

NO homework please:)

We do not do homework for you. This is clearly homework.

  1. use a while read record .. do ... done <inputfilename loop. This reads the file line by line.

  2. tr will uppercase or lowercase a whole sentence.

  3. wc -w will count the words.

Next, you get to show us what you've done with this.

I have not test it yet, because im still dowloading opensuse
could this work?

while read line

       words  = wc -w $line      // counting the words of current line   

            If [ $\(\($words % 2\)\) -eq 0] Then      // see if number of words is even 
                     echo $File1 | tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]' &lt; $File2   // if even, change all to uppercase and copy to another file 

                     echo $File1 | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]' &lt; $File2  // else; odd, change all to lowercase


Done < File1

small changes req...

while read line ;do 
words = `echo "$line" |wc -w`  // counting the words of current line
###words=` echo "$line" |awk '{print NF}'`####

If [ $((words % 2)) �eq "0" ] ; then // see if number of words is even 
echo "$line" | tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]' >> outputfile.txt // if even, change all to uppercase and copy to another file 
echo "$line" | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]' >> outputfile.txt // else; odd, change all to lowercase
done < File1

That is pretty close. the < $File1 and < $File2 bits need to change direction.
And. What is the difference between > and >> ?

so if i would change the < into > it should be right?

> is overwriting the file
>> is adding 'content' to the file...

i think...

so it should be >>file2

edit: ow right... vidyadhar85 just said it... thx