UNIX - Linux NFS Rights need Help

Hello, I am running a Suse Linux server and I want to set up a NFS Server for a few Unix machines. For the root account at the unix client it works fine but it doesn't work for other users who have no root rights.

I've used the no_root_squash and the rw option in the etc/export file. My folder rights are set to 774. If I set the rigts to 777 the user can access the folder. But I don't want to give the 777 rights.

I've also tried to set up the same user name and password on the unix and linux computer, which doesn't work too and ich don't want to usw NIS......

Any help would be very great!


username and password don't count. NFS works of uid. If uid 123 owns the file then uid 123 can access it. When you add a user to multiple systems, use the same uid.

hi, my folder is owned by different user and one group called cad. Is it not possible to access it by groupid? :o

Yeah groupid works too. Again nfs is checking the gids, not the name of the group.

hi perderabo,

thank you, but that doesn't work too. I've used the option "no_root_squash" on etc/exports. If the option is not set, the connection will either not work for root. That ist maybe a reason why only root can access the nfs share. Is there a similar option for a common user?

thx a lot

Go to the nfs client and find a file that you cannot access but think you should be able to access via the group id. As an ordinary user who has trouble (not as root) do:
ls -nd thatfile
id -g
id -G
df -T thatfile
mount -lt nfs
and post the results.

Hi, hope thats' ok:

ls -nd /CAD: drwxrwxr-- 7 0 1000 200 Aug 3 10:37 /CAD

id -g: 20

id -G: 20

df -T /CAD doesn't work, illegal option -T

mount -lt nfs doesn't work too, it is a hp-ux machine,


That id command is showing that you are a member of a group with a gid of 20. Meanwhile that ls command is showing that the gid of the file is 200.

20 is not equal to 200.

Now suppose on the Linux box you have "dweebs::200:" and on the HP-UX box you have "dweebs::20:". That does not help. 20 continues to not be equal to 200. NFS looks at uid and gid only. The user name and group name do not count at all.