unix find command without mmin option

I need to check if a file has been modified within the last x hours. My find command does not have the mmin option -- only the mtime option which is in 24 hour perriods

One way to do it:

$ touch --date="1-Jan-2009 10:11:12 AM" file1
$ touch file2
$ cat filetime.pl
# Usage: perl filetime.pl <file_name> <age_in_hours_0_to_23>
use Date::Calc;
# file modification time
$mtime = (stat($file))[9];
($s1, $min1, $h1, $d1, $mon1, $y1) = (localtime($mtime))[0,1,2,3,4,5];
$y1 += 1900;
# current time
($s2, $min2, $h2, $d2, $mon2, $y2) = (localtime)[0,1,2,3,4,5];
$y2 += 1900;
($Dd,$Dh,$Dm,$Ds) = Date::Calc::Delta_DHMS($y1,$mon1,$d1, $h1,$min1,$s1,
                                           $y2,$mon2,$d2, $h2,$min2,$s2);
if ($Dd > 0 or $Dh >= $age) {
  print "The file: $file is at least $age hours old.\n"
} else {
  print "The file: $file is less than $age hours old.\n"
$ perl filetime.pl file1 10
The file: file1 is at least 10 hours old.
$ perl filetime.pl file2 10
The file: file2 is less than 10 hours old.

Hope that helps,