UNIX email issue

Hi all,

I have tried to send an email with the below script. but i am not getting the subject of the email where it is present in the simply.txt.

I am using HP UNIX server.

I am not sure what mistake i made in the below unix command. any help would be appreciated.

 cat simply.txt 
please reach out to support to support team.

uuencode simply.txt simply.txt | mailx -s "Alert Email for JOBS Failed for week $week"  arunkumar@trival.com  < /dev/null


You've redirected STDIN twice, you'll need to remove < /dev/null from the command line.

  • DL
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If simply.txt is just ASCII text, try

mailx -s "Alert Email for JOBS Failed for week $week"  arunkumar@trival.com  <simply.txt
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