Unix Courses


I am looking to take a course in Unix that is very detailed which lasts for more than 6 months in length, which is very detailed and hands on. Can someone recommend a school which can provide me with the training I am looking for in Massachusetts, either In Boston or South of Boston. I appreciate any help.

Read the forum rules about crossposting. Do us a favor and pick a forum and post it there. You are wasting people's time asking them to answer your questions in more than one forum on the same board.

P.S. I attempted to answer your question in the Solaris forum....and I recall answering someone else in another thread yesterday...was that your 3rd new thread on the same subject?


dkaplowitz has a very good point about the rules. There is a link to our rules at the bottom of every page. I have deleted the AIX thread. And I will close this one.