Unix Background


I'm new to this forums and to Unix OS...

Is this the right place to put this thread?

I just need to ask how to set the wallpaper that goes through the x-term windows in a Unix system? It's as if the x-term windows is transparent...

I tried modifying the .login file and things got out of hand...


What is your OS (uname -a to find out)?
What window manager and version are you using?

Shall i Help U ,
Mr. GR13v3R7 U'r Question isn't clear , acctually U didn't mention which flavour of UNIX are U using aswellas give us the version number . Please help us to server U ....... :slight_smile:

I've run the uname -a command..
Here's the details that comes up..

SunOS (server name) 5.8 generic_108528-15 sun4u sparc SUNW, Ultra-Enterprise..

That's about it..


I think

Desk-top Applications => Background ..


If you are using a new KDE, then left click, properties and change the background.

If you are familiar with Microsoft windows, then the process is the same.

If you just want to change the background of the xterm -emulation only (not the wall paper), you can type

man xterm -bg

(sorry you have to read the help file as it has been 5 years I never touch UNIX, and now I entering LINUX)

It will list out all the parameter you can change the xterm from font to colour, shape, etc.