Unix assembly help

Hey guys, well I'm extremely knew to Unix so any help advice is very appreciated.

What I am trying to do is assemble a source code (Programming from the Ground Up: Chapter 3: Your First Programs)
The source code named "FINDING A MAXIMUM VALUE" is the code I am trying to link and run, but I just cannot seem to figure it out.

I understand each line of the source code, but the part that says use this command to assemble and link the code, I don't understand.

BTW I'm on a mac using the Terminal program.
Do I FTP the source-code files (text format) to my telnet, or does the source code go directly into terminal, same with the "link" command, thanks.

You type your code into a file or download (via HTTP, FTP or even SSH using scp) the source code file, the exit.s file mentioned in the web page you mention.

You then run the assembler to produce an object file, the:
$ as exit.s exit.o
line in the web page, exit.o being the resulting object file.

You then link it with any supporting libraries and/or other code, the:
$ ld exit.o -o exit
line in the web page, exit being the resulting binary file..

The file exit is then a runnable binary which may be run by typing:
$ ./exit

Most folk go straight to high level language programming in something like C, Fortran or Java.