UNIX and notepad++

I connect to my office server using ftp option in notepad++
I am not able to open directory's with out setting my clear case view in the notepad++
Hence pls help me in setting the view in notepad++ so that it can read all the files and directorys

notepad++ is a Windows application.

Moving to the Windows subforum.

Yes... Notepad++ in windows and server is Unix

Re-think. I just tried the Nppftp plugin, for the first time, and it seems to open files correctly. Which setting do you have to change?

You r rite...we can use this plugin.. But in my case I cannot read a file without setting a clearcase view in my server... I need a plugin which can open those files

If it is a server side issue, then which ftp server is it?

Its not a server side issue...
let me explain..

i need to open a file in this path using notepad++

but since this file is mount to my view.
i normally use putty to connect to the server and use the "cleartool setview" command to set my view and open the file in vim.

But now in notepad++ i am not able to open the file since i have not set the view