Unique Number Identifying

I'm trying to solve the below problem for a number:

Enter a number and if it has all unique digits print unique number else non-unique number.

Input=123; Output=unique number
Input=112; Output=Non-unique number

The thing i tried is splitting the number into digits by using % operator and storing it in a array and i'm facing problems while using 2 for loops to traverse the array elements and compared with each other.

for ( i=0; i<=array_length; i++){
 for( j=i+1; j<=array_length; j++){
  if ( a == a[j] ){

I know that i'm wrong, can someone help with any idea to solve.

for single input

echo "9284762" | awk '{t=$0; for(i=1; i<=length; i++) {if(a[t%10]++ > 0) {print $0 " has non-unique"; next}; t=sprintf("%d", t/10)}; print $0 " has uniques"}'

or if you want to pass multiple inputs through file

awk '{t=$0; for(i=1; i<=length; i++) {if(a[t%10]++ > 0) {print $0 " has non-unique"; next}; t=sprintf("%d", t/10)}; print $0 " has uniques"}' file

If the digits are on the same line, you can use grep

if echo 123 | grep '\(.\).*\1' >/dev/null; then echo "Non-unique"; else echo "unique"; fi
if echo 112 | grep '\(.\).*\1' >/dev/null; then echo "Non-unique"; else echo "unique"; fi

\(.\) matches one character and saves a reference #1, .* means zero or more characters, \1 means that #1 re-occurs.

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