Understand and analyze the output for some network commands

Good evening, I need your help please, Im Just trying to learn from the scratch the connections flow for some java applications, for instance:

The below output what is the meaning for the 3 semicolons plus * in the destination column?

tcp6       0      0 :::44380                :::*                    LISTEN      32482/java  
tcp6       0      0 :::44006                :::*                    LISTEN      8265/java  
tcp6       0      0 :::44080                :::*                    LISTEN      10138/java 

The second example: coffeeapp2 is a load balancer,so it means the java process 8304 is sending out data to the load balancer via http?

a websocket process is tied to a load balancer?

paymweb01.nh.inet:/usr/share/tomEE-plus-9.0.60/apache-tomcat-9.0.60/webapps> lsof -i tcp:80                                                                                                                                                                              
java    8304 perm_admin  106u  IPv6 1163514443      0t0  TCP proermpaymweb01.nh.inet:45599->coffeeapp2.nh.inet:http (ESTABLISHED)
java    8304 perm_admin  116u  IPv6 1163514444      0t0  TCP proermpaymweb01.nh.inet:45600->coffeeapp2.nh.inet:http (ESTABLISHED)

and the last one, in an apllication i found this output:
Th IP adress and the port is a socket from OSB (oracle service bus) exposing kind a webservice

its a way to test its funcionality in linux using a command line?


Thanks you very much for your help in advanced

The commands netstat and ss show various connection types.

LISTEN is not an established point-to-point connection but a listening port that is opened when the listening ("daemon") process starts.
:::* is an IPv6 bind-to-all-interfaces mask; a point-to-point connection may occur over all interfaces.

Web connections (http and https) can be done with commands wget or curl

man wget
man curl

Thanks you very much MadeinGermany for the explanation, Ive just dont get it when You refer bind-to-all-interfaces mask, it means network interfaces tied to that port?
