Undefined reference to Error


plz help me out with this error,
i am getting this error when i compile my code with gcc.

/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i386-redhat-linux/3.3.2/../../../crt1.o(.text+0x18): In function `_start':
: undefined reference to `main'
/tmp/cciLxqdV.o(.text+0x3c): In function `HandleUserTransaction()':
: undefined reference to `ShowScreen(Screens)'
/tmp/cciLxqdV.o(.text+0x49): In function `HandleUserTransaction()':
: undefined reference to `WaitUntilCardIsRemoved(BEEP_TYPE)'
/tmp/cciLxqdV.o(.text+0x5b): In function `HandleUserTransaction()':
: undefined reference to `ShowScreen(Screens)'
/tmp/cciLxqdV.o(.text+0x68): In function `HandleUserTransaction()':
: undefined reference to `WaitUntilCardIsRemoved(BEEP_TYPE)'
/tmp/cciLxqdV.o(.text+0x7a): In function `HandleUserTransaction()':
: undefined reference to `ShowScreen(Screens)'
/tmp/cciLxqdV.o(.text+0x87): In function `HandleUserTransaction()':
: undefined reference to `WaitUntilCardIsRemoved(BEEP_TYPE)'
/tmp/cciLxqdV.o(.text+0x99): In function `HandleUserTransaction()':
: undefined reference to `ShowScreen(Screens)'
/tmp/cciLxqdV.o(.text+0xa6): In function `HandleUserTransaction()':
: undefined reference to `WaitUntilCardIsRemoved(BEEP_TYPE)'
/tmp/cciLxqdV.o(.text+0xb5): In function `HandleUserTransaction()':
: undefined reference to `ShowScreen(Screens)'
/tmp/cciLxqdV.o(.text+0xc2): In function `HandleUserTransaction()':
: undefined reference to `WaitUntilCardIsRemoved(BEEP_TYPE)'
/tmp/cciLxqdV.o(.text+0xf5): In function `HandleUserTransaction()':

thanx in advance

That's not 'an error' - there are at least 2 problems:

  1. You have not declared the main() function in any of the code blocks you've compiled.

  2. You are not including all of the source in the -OR-

  3. You are not telling cc where to look for libraries or .o files that have HandleUserTransaction, and the other functions shown. -OR-
    2+3 you didn't compile all the source and you didn't tell cc where to look for special libraries or archives.

Thanx buddy

I did work

bye svh