Uncompressing .zip file specific directory Fedora 14


I have Fedora 14 installed on my machine I have a .zip file ( some latex package) which I want to unzip to some location in the Latex paths /usr/share.../texmf/..

so I went to super user mode, created the directory for this package over there,

[root@username latex] mkdir logo

and tried unzipping the .zip file to that directory , but it gives me this warning

[root@username latex]# gunzip /home/username/Downloads/logo.zip logo/
gzip: /home/username/Downloads/logo.zip: unknown suffix -- ignored
gzip: logo/ is a directory -- ignored

Then I checked up the options and gave -S .zip also but it still gives this error :

[root@username latex]# gunzip -S .zip /home/username/Downloads/logo.zip gzip: /home/username/Downloads/logo.zip has more than one entry -- unchanged

Then I moved to the destination directory, and tried this :

[root@username logo]# gunzip -S .zip /home/username/Downloads/logo.zip gzip: 

Now it gives some junk output. Could someone help me out ?

From gunzip man page:

Files created by zip can be uncompressed by gzip only if they have a single member compressed with the 'deflation' method. 
This feature is only intended to help conversion of tar.zip files to the tar.gz format.

This is the reason why you got below error message:

/home/i/Downloads/logo.zip has more than one entry -- unchanged

I suggest you to try unzip instead:

unzip /home/username/Downloads/logo.zip
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