Hello Team,
I'm unable to untar the sles15 CBA Components.
For sles12 it is working fine. Tried manually on the same path and it is working fine.
12:31:32 [smsoip] > Task :models:config:prepareValidationFiles FAILED
12:31:32 [smsoip]
12:31:32 [smsoip] FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
12:31:32 [smsoip]
12:31:32 [smsoip] * What went wrong:
12:31:32 [smsoip] Execution failed for task ':models:config:prepareValidationFiles'.
12:31:32 [smsoip] > Unable to expand TAR '/home/jenkins/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/com.ericsson.cba.javasip/javasip/3.24.0-60056/603068abf67e73660aa0d9d581d8d7703c67b59e/javasip-3.24.0-60056-src-caa9012906.tar.gz'12:31:32 [smsoip] The tar might be corrupted or it is compressed in an unexpected way.
12:31:32 [smsoip] By default the tar tree tries to guess the compression based on the file extension.
12:31:32 [smsoip] If you need to specify the compression explicitly please refer to the DSL reference.
I have upgrade python version from 2.7 to 3.6
Will you please support what more changes i have to do for compatible with sles15.