Unable to untar on Sles15

Hello Team,
I'm unable to untar the sles15 CBA Components.
For sles12 it is working fine. Tried manually on the same path and it is working fine.

12:31:32 [smsoip] > Task :models:config:prepareValidationFiles FAILED
12:31:32 [smsoip]
 12:31:32 [smsoip] FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
12:31:32 [smsoip]
 12:31:32 [smsoip] * What went wrong:
12:31:32 [smsoip] Execution failed for task ':models:config:prepareValidationFiles'.
12:31:32 [smsoip] > Unable to expand TAR '/home/jenkins/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/com.ericsson.cba.javasip/javasip/3.24.0-60056/603068abf67e73660aa0d9d581d8d7703c67b59e/javasip-3.24.0-60056-src-caa9012906.tar.gz'12:31:32 [smsoip]     The tar might be corrupted or it is compressed in an unexpected way.
12:31:32 [smsoip]     By default the tar tree tries to guess the compression based on the file extension.
12:31:32 [smsoip]     If you need to specify the compression explicitly please refer to the DSL reference.

I have upgrade python version from 2.7 to 3.6
Will you please support what more changes i have to do for compatible with sles15.

Your question asks about difficulty in extracting a tar file but the errors you post come from a 'smsoip' service failure. Can you please explain what your network has to do with your problem. Or am I missing some point here?