Unable to start vncserver


While trying to connect vncserver, i am gettting below errors:

sh: /home/$USER/.vnc/$HOSTNAME:2.log: Permission denied
sh: /home/$USER/.vnc/$HOSTNAME:2.pid: Permission denied

New '$HOSTNAME:2 ($USER)' desktop is $HOSTNAME:2

Starting applications specified in /home/$USER/.vnc/xstartup
Log file is /home/$USER/.vnc/$HOSTNAME:2.log

looks like a permission issue, i don;t have any clue about where to fix.
i am starting vncserver via

 sudo /etc/init.d vncserver start


Please let me know, if you need any other information.


Normally, vncserver runs as your id not root. For root to run vncserver, it needs to have the install in $HOME just like any user.