Unable to publish data

Hi All,

In my application, we are using Publish/subscribe model implemented in JAVA and when I implemented it on windows to windows os,it is working fine and able to publish the right data and even when I am trying the same between two different OS i.e between Windows and Solaris sparc or opensolaris. I am getting the expected data.

But when I am doing the same thing with same code on Linux and any other OS,not able to publish data on other OS's but when I am publishing the data from other OS to Linux,I am getting the right data.

I am unable to figure out the exact problem,So please help me and why is it happening and how to resolve it out.
Please help me.

Thanks in Advance.

How exactly do you "publish" and "subscribe"? I'm not familiar with that terminology. Do you do it over a network? TCP? UDP? If it is a network "thing", have you tried using Wireshark/some other network analysis tool to look at what's actually being sent received?