Unable to ping Solaris from several Windows installations

Hello All,

I have searched and searched, but I am not finding any answers. Any help would be very welcome.

I have a home LAN centered around an Untangle gateway (up to date).

I have a Windows 7 PC and a Snow Leopard Mac

I also have two virtualized instances of windows (xp and 7) running on the PC and Mac respectively.

I have been playing with both a Nexentacore and Solaris Express 11 based NAS using NAPP-IT.

I have successfully configured it so that OS X, a mac laptop and iphone can see and access the admin page of the NAPP-it box

The Untangle server is the local dns and it is configured the same way for the NAS as all other devices on the LAN (which have heretofore been able to resolve each other).

HOWEVER, I cannot access the NAS from any windows instance no matter what. Pings from windows) to the Solaris box are dropped at localhost with destination host unreachable.

My working assumption is that their is something common to windows that doesn't play nice with Solaris, but I also noticed that the Solaris box (any version I have tried thus far) doesn't advertise its hostname to the Untangle box as all the other devices on the network have when in DHCP mode.

Any thoughts/ideas?

thanks in advance,


Destination unreachable means the windows box doesn't know how to route packets to solaris.

Output from these should help

nslookup solarishost
netstat -rn
tracert solarishost